On Wed, 25 Feb 2004 02:32, Leon Brocard wrote;

  > I only skimmed the discussion before. What problem are you trying
  > to solve?

Locating and selecting a module to perform a particular task can be
time consuming, and daunting for the novice.  Authors often don't find
what they want, and end up re-inventing wheels unnecessarily, when
they could be (and I would guess would rather be) re-inventing
suspension coils and inventing low speed differentials.

Perhaps you're personally happy with search.cpan.org, but a little
extra directory and indexing information can't hurt for those who
can't discern the coding prowess of the author at a single glance at
an API, and who don't hang out with Perl geeks for 90% of their waking

The relevant review information may be out there on use.perl.org,
perlmonks.org, etc, you might say, but if they are all in one place
they are more likely to be kept current.

It might make CPAN look a bit "tidier" as well :-).
Sam Vilain, sam /\T vilain |><>T net, PGP key ID: 0x05B52F13
(include my PGP key ID in personal replies to avoid spam filtering)

Sarcasm is not the lowest form of wit.  Sarcasm is the sour cream of
wit.  Puns are the lowest for of wit, for which someone should be
drawn and quoted.
  - Fred Allen (adaptation)

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