Lincoln A. Baxter wrote:

Does it make sense to create a new generic TLNS into which one might
hope to eventually see all such Frameworks migrated, or, should we just
go for our own new TLNS?

Sorry if I'm flogging a dead horse, but IMHO just pick a name, and make sure that you include a good introduction that weighs up the pros and cons of your module / system / framework versus all the others that you reviewed on your main POD file. Having L<Module::Name> style links in the intro will assist a person looking at the module to zip around the differing modules to perform a particular task.

It was said before, but I'll repeat it - seperating out the logical components of the framework into seperate distributions (and perhaps releasing a Bundle:: to get the lot) would be well worthwhile.

Sam Vilain, sam /\T vilain |><>T net, PGP key ID: 0x05B52F13
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