"A. Pagaltzis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> * khemir nadim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-06-16 13:53]:
> > I once wrote that it would be great to have the equivalent of
> > sourceforge for perl module, the answer I got was "use
> > sourceforge". Hmm talk about not answering the question.
> Maybe because it was the wrong question. CPAN is the
> Comprehensive Perl ARCHIVE Network.

I think you missunderstood. I didn't ask for CPAN to become a perl
sourceforge. I asked if other wanted to have a source forge that specilizes
in perl  like Rubyforge for ruby.

> > The most disturbing thing is that perl is Huge, lots of
> > developpers, modules and projects but Ruby that is so small
> > does have a rubyforge.
> Right, and how large is it?

What does this have to do with my question? How large was CPAN when it
started? how large was Sourceforge when it started? why do we have Savanna,
Rubyforge and other? I ofound stuff in Rubyforge, I even had dinner with one
of the guy having a module there so if I can't find software I can still
have good times :-)

In fact the most disturbing thing with Sourceforge is that it's too big and
it's difficult to find the perl gems in the software bazaar.

Cheers, Nadim.

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