Dave Rolsky writes:

> I'm still trying to decide between sticking with WWW::Map or switching
> to WWW::MapService.

How about WebService::Map?

Search the [EMAIL PROTECTED] archives for WebService and you'll see that
there have been recent attempts to distinguish between modules that help
implement generic webby things (in WWW::) from those which are an
interface to a service which just happens to be provided by websites (in

Admittedly there are web-servicey modules in the WWW:: namespace, mostly
from before anybody had thought to make the distinction, but that isn't
a reason for making the situation any worse.

WWW::MapService is odd from a hierarchical point of view, cos then it
encourages other modules to be named along the lines of:


(And sorry for not saying this earlier -- I mentally composed something
like the above message when I saw your original mail, but it took me a
couple of days to find the time to type it out!)


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