[ Actually, I'm going ahead and CC'ing the list because I'm going to suggest something that others will probably disagree with ;-) ]

Nadim Khemir wrote:

-----Original Message-----
Is this a build system for perl modules or a generic build system? Is it an application or a library? Is the documentation available; I'd like to learn more about it.

It' a generic build system aimed at replacing gmake, cons and the like. I'ts
a meta-build system, a nice name to tell that it is not complete :-).

I'm going to suggest that it is reasonable for an "application" of this sort to have its own namespace. It has a very specific use, and it is not generally applicable to other perl apps.

I don't like the name PBS. Probably because, if you mention it anywhere in the U.S., people the of the "Public Broadcasting Corp", a publicly funded educational TV broadcasting network.

PBS is a set of modules that let you build a build system. Since it's
written in perl, you can add your own libraries and even have your own
syntax if you wish to but the "plain" syntax is perl and it looks rather
good and easy.

The best doc to start with is the presentation I gave at "perl nordic
workshop" the slides are on their site.

In the unix perpetual tradition, the documentation is the code. Seriously,
the documentation that is available is very old and very confusing. It was
my goal to re-document the system this summer but I simply didn't. As there
are only 2 or 3 users for the system and I know them, we haven't had the
necessity to document more (the system is easy to understand as it is rule
based). I want to release the system to see if there are other are
interrested and in that case I will write a proper documentation.

I can just about guarantee that it is not going to be used without some documentation. I suggest it is useless to post it without docs, and possibly a couple of samples.

PBS is  reseach project that turned wellbut I still want to do some research
(like iontegration between CM and build systems)

One advantage of PBS is that it is quite fun to use and build debugging is
one of the base for the program.

Hey, that's two ;-)

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