Assuming it is based on DBI at its core, your module would fit better in the DBI extension area. I think DBIx::Backup::MySQL would be good, as it would leave room for expansions to databases other than ::MySQL.


On Oct 25, 2004, at 3:00 PM, Sean Quinlan wrote:

Good afternoon,
I've been working on a tool for automating log rotations and database
dumps for MySQL. This started during system administration discussions
in a development group I was in at MGH quite a while ago, and a few
people were involved in writing the first versions. I've just recently
gotten back to working on it again.
I now have a working version that is being tested at a couple of sites.
I would be happy to send it to anyone (or the list) on request. It has
three components, a module, a conf file and a tiny script for initiating
backups, generally to be run by daily cron job. The documentation is
scattered about a bit still, but should be functionally correct.
I would welcome any feedback on the module name. I've got it as
MySQL::Backup at the moment, and don't see anything currently on CPAN in
that name space. Does anyone have any other recommendations or concerns
before I upload it to PAUSE?


Sean Quinlan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
608-294-7900, 313 W Beltline Hwy Suite 41, Madison WI 53713

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