I have the module ready at the moment, named Text::Rewrite (the original name I though about)

I'll ask co-author tomorrow for a name. Maybe something like

 Text::Rewrite::Rules (like this one)


Xavier Noria wrote:
On Dec 26, 2004, at 10:03 PM, Alberto Manuel Brandao Simoes wrote:

Regexp::Rules is the name I'm pointing to, at the moment.

I would go for the Text:: namespace instead, since the module is about transforming text by means of chained substitutions. In the Regexp:: namespace modules are generally about regexps themselves.

I haven't found a name that convinces me by now though.

-- fxn

-- Alberto Simões - Departamento de Informática - Universidade do Minho ,,__ .. .. / o._) .---. /--'/--\ \-'|| .----. .' '. / \_/ / | .' '..' '-. .'\ \__\ __.'.' .' ì-._ )\ | )\ | _.' // \\ // \\ ||_ \\|_ \\_ Perl Monger mrf '--' '--'' '--' www.perl-hackers.net

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