On Feb 8, 2007, at 11:48 AM, Tim Maher wrote:

On Thu, Feb 08, 2007 at 08:58:01AM -0800, alan wrote:

On a more serious side, getting rid of it [Time::Cubic] should be
pretty open and shut. CPAN is a public resource managed by private

I'm generally against the idea of censorship in all its forms, and
/definitely/ against the idea of removing a Perl module from CPAN just
because something *within the code* offended somebody--or even lots of

I support the idea that a CPAN author has the right to write his (her,
etc.) code *any way he wants*/--which includes the use of comments that
might appear scurrilous to some (which appears to be the complaint
against Time::Cubic).

Yes, the author may have the right to write that code, but does CPAN have the obligation to host it?

What's the alternative? That we have every CPAN Module scanned for
offensive components, including comments (# shit happens!), variable
names ($KKK), variable names (my $ugly_female_boss), and statement
labels? (NUKE_OJ_BUSH_AND_OSAMA: for $ever)

The alternative is that the powers-that-be respond to the community's requests on a case-by-case basis using their own judgment. Proactive scanning/moderation would clearly be impractical and has been rejected on previous occasions on this list.

Wouldn't we be better off investing our collective JAPHly energies in
the expanding our market share and completion of Perl 6 and rather
than the creation of "Regexp::Common::Enforce_Code_Nazi_Policies"?

Personally, I think fighting hatred is a more worthwhile use of energy than finishing Perl 6.

<offtopic>Your choice of the word "Nazi" is conspicuous given the ASCII art in the Time::Cubic comments.</offtopic>

If we /were/ to become Code Nazis, the slippery-slope that we'd be
embarking on would unavoidably affect many "eccentric" modules
which people value (Regexp::Common::profanity_us,
Tie:Hash::Cannabinol, etc.).

Is the slope really that slippery? I doubt that anyone here finds any value in the Time::Cubic module. Furthermore, I have not heard anyone complain about those other modules you mention. I don't think anybody has proposed a blanket policy against offensive modules. Instead, the requests I've seen so far are simply to remove Time::Cubic from CPAN.

I think your invocation of the slippery slope argument is fallacious, and I have confidence in the CPAN community's collective wisdom to call for the removal of only truly inappropriate modules.

I realize that some CPAN users live in countries where people have
strict limits on their freedom of expression, and I empathize with
those who have taken offense at someone else's indulgences of their
unbridled liberties.

But remember, Perl is the language that has a "poetry mode"!
It's designed for those who value unfettered self expression.

Sure, but how does that translate into "CPAN must host all crap thrown at it"?


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