On Mar 2, 2007, at 4:45 PM, David Golden wrote:

For the META.yml spec, should anything not expressly allowed be forbidden?

No. Be liberal in what you accept and conservative in what you emit. Everything is hell for back/forward compatibility.

Personally, The best solution is to have an official policy for adding non-standard additions. "X-" is bad for reasons that many people have shared. I like the idea of a per-module special prefs area. To insure that collisions are impossible, how about a URI for the prefs wrapper like below (sorry, not sure if this is valid YAML)

       cc_author: 0

That will enable the extension mechanism to work for non-Perl code too. To me, that feels a little like the "-moz-*" CSS extensions that Mozilla and others use.


That said, the biggest drawback of this whole thing is that it's just one more piece of information that module authors need to think about when writing code. Writing a good CPAN module is already a fairly hefty task. I'm not saying there's an alternative, but really what we need is the module creator's equivalent of Perl Best Practices.


Chris Dolan, Equilibrious LLC, http://equilibrious.net/
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