On Apr 17, 2007, at 12:16 PM, Eric Wilhelm wrote:

The suggestion people made was to have M::B produce a
'traditional'-style makefile as well. So at least M::B-deprived
systems might have a good go.

My problem with the create_makefile_pl => 'traditional' is that it
doesn't install Module::Build, so we're not making any progress.  If
you have a custom build subclass, you might as well put a die in

The passthrough seems much more sane because it actually installs
Module::Build, yet nobody seems to encourage its use.  Why?

I am a long-time supporter of M::B, but I consistently choose create_makefile_pl => 'traditional'. I believe that successful install for the largest number of users is the most important goal, not progress. Progress is what 5.10 is for, where M::B will be bundled. I like 'traditional' because it's the easiest on the end user for packages that don't really need M::B's extra goodness (that is: the majority of CPAN modules). It's easier because EU::MM is pre- installed and older pre-installed CPAN.pm versions interact better with EU::MM than M::B.

Echoing die into Makefile.PL is like putting the following in your modules:
  die 'Time to upgrade' if $] < 5.008008;
Amusing, but ultimately counter-productive and disrespectful of users whose needs you may not understand.


Chris Dolan, Equilibrious LLC, http://equilibrious.net/
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