I'm moving my bug queue for WWW::Mechanize and Test::WWW::Mechanize over to Google Code, which is also where I host the source code.

I think it'd be a good idea if META.yml had fields that say where the bug queue is, and where the source code lives. That way search.cpan.org, and any others, could refer to the proper URLs, because very soon, the link at http://search.cpan.org/dist/WWW- Mechanize/ that points to the queue at http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ Bugs.html?Dist=WWW-Mechanize is going to be wrong. Also, a project home page would be swell as well.

Schwern: Is this your ball?


Andy Lester => [EMAIL PROTECTED] => www.petdance.com => AIM:petdance

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