
I participated in a previous thread on this topic, but I couldn't find it (maybe it was blog comments?) From memory, I think we concluded that, no, there was no formal spec and that it would be too painful to build one broad enough for everyone's taste. So, we dropped the idea. My own ad-hoc syntax looks like this example:

In retrospect, I may have gotten a little carried away with too much detail... For my own syntax, I wrote an author unit test that checks that all versions have a summary and a release date. I never got around to writing the test that ensured the .pm's current version number had an entry in the changelog.


On Jun 27, 2009, at 10:42 AM, Joshua ben Jore wrote:

Last year I started seeing change logs in perl modules that looked
more YAMLish. Is there any spec out there on this? I'm currently just
copying input from `git log --pretty=oneline' into my Changes file and
as of this moment, including the git repo URL.

Is there any external standard or pattern I can conform to?

Revision history for Perl extension App::Perldoc::Search at

0.02  Sat Jun 27 08:33:00 2009
304a4464b38b71f10f34c8866da7e3bab1369d3e Clean up dependency list

0.01  Fri Jun 26 01:10:54 2009
9e60c318ebd5543bb342725f7f4834b2502e65f5 Add META.yml
c69869d09c07115b04120ce0d294011940d76321 0.01


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