* Graham Barr <gb...@pobox.com> [2010-03-26 10:20]:
> On Mar 25, 2010, at 8:42 AM, Barbie wrote:
> >Lastly I would also personnally be annoyed if only the latest
> >versions were available, as I often make great use of the diff
> >tool on search.cpan.org. Having only the latest version
> >renders that great tool redundant :(
> I use that too :-) and it is very annoying that some authors
> automatically delete previous releases when they upload a new
> one.

Why does that have to be constrained by the current availability
of modules? Couldn’t search.cpan.org simply not honour deletions?
Would there be any serious reason against this?

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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