On Nov 29, 2010, at 6:52 PM, Bill Ward wrote:

What hurts me is that Perl has fallen out of favor so much ... I'm contemplating jumping ship myself, and moving to Ruby or Python, not because of anything intrinsic to the language but just because Perl is going the way of Cobol or Fortran.

In the early stages of my last big Perl project, a sysadmin happened to mention to the non-technical project lead that Perl is a dead language. While that clearly was (and is) a falsehood, it nearly killed the project. To me, the mere *perception* that Perl is a troubled platform hurts the most.

The funny thing, though, is that I've never worked in a language that hasn't been maligned by my peers or customers at some point. Perl, C, C++, csh, Java, Actionscript, Python, Lisp, PHP, VB, Javascript, etc -- it always seems like there's someone in a position of authority who wants to trash-talk the technology. Why is that?


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