On 11-10-12 03:56 PM, Buddy Burden wrote:
>      That would be the simplest way to go. That you would never merge back
>  is no problem: anybody cloning or forking your project will only see
>  the original commits  as part of your repo history, and no-one will
>  ever be the wiser.

Okay, that's the main thing I was wondering.  I didn't know if somehow
GitHub would consider my repo to be a fork forever-more and that might
somehow have negative side-effects.  I didn't think so, but I figured
it couldn't hurt to ask.

If forking directly from Github, people will see that it has been forked from gitpan/Data-Random in the network view, but I can't see how it could stigmatize your project. If the META.json of the distribution is correctly set, peeps will know that you hold the main repo. If anything, it might help people find your repo if they find the gitpan version first (as they will see it in its own network). In any case, I don't think it's a huge deal that would bring terrible consequences either way. :-)

>      $ git cpan-import --gitpan Data::Random
Interesting ... are there advantages to that method over just forking gitpan?

Not really. It's just a quick, cli-alternative to clone the repo locally. There Is More Than One Way To Fork It, I guess. ;-)


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