Mail::Postfixadmin seems fine to me

On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 5:06 AM, Avi Greenbury <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've been working on a module which basically makes it easy to write
> command-line tools for interacting with a postfixadmin[0] installation,
> that is a Postfix/Dovecot mail server with virtual domains/users stored
> in MySQL. I'd like to upload it to the CPAN, and I'm after some advice
> on what to call it first.
> The closest I can find on the CPAN is VUser::Email::Postfix which is
> part of VUser.
> There's also Mail::Vpopmail which is exactly the same in purpose, but
> for Vpopmail rather than postfixadmin.
> To me, this obviously belongs somewhere in the Mail namespace, but I'm
> not really sure where it should go in that. I'm tempted to rename it to
> Mail::Postfixadmin, but I don't want to give the impression that it's
> somehow endorsed by that project.
> It's currently called Mail::Vpostmail (since originally it was to be a
> postfix clone of the Vpopmail utilities and it must have seemed like a
> reasonable pun at the time).
> I've got a bunch of work to do on it over Christmas, and I figure that
> that's also as good a time as any to rename it in preparation for making
> it more public and check everything still works.
> Thanks!
> --
> Avi
> [0]

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