* bulk 88 <bul...@hotmail.com> [2012-06-08 03:20]:
> It only real purpose is to be copied into other XS modules and be
> studied from. What namespace should it go under?

CopyPasta::FastHash? :-)

In all seriousness, I would pick Example::XS::FasterHashes. Or maybe
just Example::FasterXSHashes.

XS:: seems the wrong place because the *main* thing about this module
seems to me to be that it is not a library, just an educational example
for XS authors.

Module:: is definitely incorrect, because this has nothing to do with
doing something with modules.

Acme:: seems incorrect because to my mind it means “this is stupid or
crazy but in any case inadvisable, yet still funny or cool, and I wanted
to put it out there for people to look at”. And your code would clearly
be out of place in such a category.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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