
My apologies if this topic has been covered elsewhere; I've been
unable to concoct a search which would efficiently find it.

I've authored a distribution which contains a single executable and no
supporting modules. After injecting the tarball into my local darkpan
via orepan2-inject, cpanm is unable to find it.

I believe the problem is that as there are no packages, the "provides"
field in META.yml is empty, and as 02packages.detail.txt lists only
packages, it won't show up there.

I see two options:

1.  Create an empty package which gets indexed; or
2.  Add an entry to the "provides" field mapping the distribution's
"package" name (App::pltvectors) to the script file.

Unfortunately, if a tool uses the "provides" field to verify that the
listed package is in the script file it will fail, so this approach
may lead to breakage.

Is there a third option which doesn't require creating the empty file?



P.S. I'm interested not just for my package, but also one of my
old-time favorites on CPAN, makepatch, which isn't indexed on metacpan
because of this (see and thus isn't
installable by CPAN clients, or indeed discoverable by metacpan, which
is a shame.

P.P.S. FWIW, here's the META.yml (without dependency entries):

abstract: 'plot vectors as arrows or rectangles'
  - 'Diab Jerius <>'
  ExtUtils::MakeMaker: '0'
  ExtUtils::MakeMaker: '0'
dynamic_config: 0
generated_by: 'Dist::Zilla version 6.010, CPAN::Meta::Converter
version 2.150010'
license: gpl
  version: '1.4'
name: App-pltvectors
    - eg
    - examples
    - inc
    - share
    - t
    - xt
provides: {}
resources: {}
version: '2.1'
x_serialization_backend: 'YAML::Tiny version 1.70'

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