>>>>> On Thu, 28 Sep 2006 16:26:02 -0500, Ken Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

  > On Sep 28, 2006, at 2:04 PM, Andreas J. Koenig wrote:

 >> This is not a flaw in MakeMaker but a simple rule on CPAN that people
 >> have learned to accept in over 10 years. Isn't it a bit irritating
 >> when different tools report different versions?

  > Yes, that's true.  But isn't PAUSE actually using the META.yml file to
  > determine versions of things when possible?  Then there wouldn't  be
  > any actual conflicts.

Yes, indeed.

  > That also gives us the best of both worlds in a sense: we have a
  > simple prcedure PAUSE uses when it's too late to get the user
  > involved, and a more "intelligent" procedure we can use a dist-time
  > when we can issue warnings & so on.

Sounds good.


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