Eric Wilhelm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm looking/wishing for a way to munge a file's contents on the way to 
> e.g. blib/lib/.  For instance, process_foo_files() would be terribly 
> convenient if copy_if_modified() could hit a callback rather than 
> File::Copy::copy() *after* creating the basedir and before the chmod.  

Assume the file contains ABBC, and the copy hook turns that into AXXC.
The file on disk is ABBC. Coy if modified will do nothing, since it's
not modified?

On the other hand, if the file on disk is AXXC, copy if modified will
think it is modified and write a new ABBC (which will be changed to
AXXC) to disk, effecitively updating a file with identical content --
something that copy if modified is supposed to prevent...

-- Johan

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