>>>>> On Fri, 16 Nov 2007 10:38:30 +1100, "Adam Kennedy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>>>>> said:

  > After a number of incidents, it would appear that putting the Perl version
  > dependency into requires is just too problematic to be an appropriate
  > solution.

  > It also has implications from a CPAN graph perspective.

  > If a module has a Perl language version dependency, we can short-circuit
  > Makefile.PL, and we can even short-circuit configure_requires, because
  > there's simply no point bothering.

  > So I'd like to propose a perl_version: key for META.yml, which would be
  > specifically to identify the minimum Perl language version dependency of the
  > module.


And then the documentation must be adjusted that has the example

   perl: 5.005_03

which I have always taken as a specification and others just ignore.


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