>>>>> On Tue, 23 Sep 2008 11:40:09 +0200, "Jos I. Boumans" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>>>>> said:

 >> And so I have implemented it now. If it breaks too much in too short
 >> time, we could probably revert it, but first I'd like to see how bad
 >> we really do.

  > I agree to this (first) solution; this will give us a good idea about
  > the
  > scope of the problem.

I have watched the indexer for a week now. The scope is more than two
uploads per day. These uploads got an email about world writable files
or directories. I looked up their CPAN directories right now and based
on the findings I have added the third column.

23-Sep  SEMUELF/Data-ParseBinary-0.07.tar.gz                fixed
26-Sep  GFUJI/warnings-unused-0.02.tar.gz               not fixed
26-Sep  STEFFENW/DBD-PO-0.10.tar.gz                     not fixed
26-Sep  STEFFENW/Bundle-DBD-PO-0.10.tar.gz              not fixed
26-Sep  AJDIXON/daemonise-1.0.tar.gz                    not fixed
26-Sep  RPHANEY/openStatisticalServices-0.015.tar.gz        fixed
26-Sep  RPHANEY/openStatisticalServices-0.018.tar.gz        fixed
27-Sep  COSIMO/Imager-SkinDetector-0.01.tar.gz              fixed
27-Sep  FAYLAND/Pod-From-GoogleWiki-0.06.tar.gz             fixed
28-Sep  DANNY/Rose-DBx-Object-Renderer-0.34.tar.gz      not fixed
28-Sep  MTHURN/WWW-Search-Ebay-2.244.tar.gz                 fixed
28-Sep  JSTROM/Tk-TextVi-0.014.tar.gz                   not fixed
28-Sep  JSTROM/Tk-TextVi-0.0141.tar.gz                  not fixed
29-Sep  MATTN/Net-Kotonoha-0.07.tar.gz                      fixed
29-Sep  MTHURN/WWW-Search-Ebay-Europe-2.002.tar.gz          fixed
29-Sep  ANGERSTEI/Net-Ping-Network-1.57.tar.gz          not fixed
29-Sep  RPHANEY/openStatisticalServices-0.019.tar.gz        fixed

Congratulations to all authors who managed to fix their distros.
I *you* are among them, please spread the word how you did it.

I expect that the third column is already wrong when you read this.

Good night,

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