
Unfortunately Build --debug is too laconic :) it just hows ACTION_code.
There isn't any way to force a more in-depth trace?

Thank you

On 14/06/2010 00:53, David Golden wrote:
> 2010/6/13 Alberto Simões <al...@alfarrabio.di.uminho.pt>:
>> For windows, I need to create the .bat files, and I hope Module::Build
>> does that automatically for script files.
> It happens in make_executable which is called by process_script_files,
> which is ultimately called by ACTION_code (I think).
> If you run "Build --debug" on a recent M::B you should see a trace of
> the actions called.
>> So, my question is:
>>  - can I add script_files during the install action?
> I don't see why not -- but you'd need to call $self->depends('code')
> to get them built.  Experimentation is necessary -- no guarantees it
> will work.  :-)
>>  - how can I set them? Not sure if I should use the scripts() method
>> that seems to be deprecated.
> You should be able to call $self->script_files(\%files), I think.
> (You might want to retrieve the old hash and add to it first.)  I
> don't know why it's a hash. The values are ignored, I believe.
> David

Alberto Simões

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