On 26/01/2011 22:25, David Golden wrote:
2011/1/26 Alberto Simões<al...@alfarrabio.di.uminho.pt>:

Is there any easy way to peek the parameters added when run Build.PL?

That is:

  perl Build.PL freeling_prefix=/my/strange/prefix

Override "new", get the object from the SUPER::new and interrogate the
object before returning it.

Or override "cull_args" and inspect @ARGV before calling
SUPER::cull_args, perhaps?

Parameter processing is a complex given the potential for PERL_MB_OPT,
.modulebuildrc files and command line arguments.

Damn :(
add it to the wishlist :D

I will stick to ask the user to use an environment variable.
Thanks :)
Alberto Simões

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