Good day, all!

This is a newbie question.  I am trying to set up a build/development
environment for my CPAN module under Windows.  I'm switching between
cygwin and Strawberry Perl, and haven't settled on one or the other
yet -- and in fact maybe I'll continue to use both, so as to provide a
little more testing.

Under strawberry, the problem that I'm having now, is that when I type
"build" in my module's development directory, it is not building any
of my module's documentation:  I get no bindoc, libdoc, binhtml, or
libhtml in blib.

According to the documentation, the 'build' action is supposed to
build 'docs'.  This is consistent, in that at least, when I type
'build docs', I also get no documentation directories.  However, when
I type 'build html', I do get the two html directories, and when I
type 'build manpages', I get the two doc directories.

I would have thought that 'build docs' would do the same as 'build
html' and 'build manpages'.  Why doesn't it?

The documentation also says that, for the html action, nothing will be
done "if there are no binhtml or libhtml installation targets defined
...".  I can't find anywhere about how to define installation targets.
 Maybe I am just confused by the terminology, but there's nothing
about how to define installation targets in the Module::Build page,
and I can't find these keywords in the documentation,
either.  If it just means setting the installation path, then I still
have the question, why does "build html" know where to put the files,
but "build docs" does not?

How can I get "build" to build the html and man pages by default on my
strawberry system?

Note that the cygwin behavior is different.  It does build all four of
these by default.  I'm having a different problem there, though, that
I haven't really investigated yet:  the conversion to html is taking
ridiculously long.

Thanks for any help you can give me!

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