Hi there,

I found the following line added to a script that I created with
Module::Build 0.4 and used Module::Build 0.38 to install

eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -wT -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
    if 0; # not running under some shell

I wasn't expecting that and I'm not sure that I want it.  It doesn't mention
this behaviour in the docs.  Can someone explain why?  This is my Build.PL

my $builder = Module::Build->new(
    module_name         => 'Keele::Utilities::Database',
    license             => 'perl',
    dist_author         => q{Boyd Duffee <b.duffee at isc.keele.ac.uk>},
    dist_version_from   => 'lib/Keele/Utilities/Database.pm',
    requires    => {
        'DBI'   => '1.52',
        'Keele::Utilities'  => '0.03',
        'Date::Manip'   => 0,
    build_requires => {
        'Test::More' => 0,
    configure_requires => {
        'Module::Build' => 0.38,
    add_to_cleanup      => [ 'Keele-Utilities-Database-*' ],
    create_makefile_pl => 'traditional',
    script_files        => {
        'script/get_my_network_usage.pl'    => 0,

if ( $builder->install_destination('script') ne '/usr/local/bin' ) {
    my $script_install = $builder->prompt('Script location', '/usr/local/bin');
    $builder->install_path('script' => $script_install);

Boyd Duffee             Keele University    (01782) 734225
Student Facing Systems
 <DarthBart> Nobody "codes" in Perl. Perl programs are written by eating
             a bag of alphabet pasta and then chasing it with ipecac.
 <xaxa>      My alphabet spaghetti only had A-Z. Perl uses the *other*
             half of ASCII.

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