On Tue, Jan 1, 2013 at 9:25 PM, Lyle <webmas...@cosmicperl.com> wrote:
> I submitted a bug to rjbs about one of his modules not building on Windows.
> He's kicked back that it's actually a Module::Build error. Looking at the
> build log, it appears he's correct:
> http://ppm4.activestate.com/MSWin32-x86/5.16/1600/R/RJ/RJBS/CGI-Application-Server-0.062.d/log-20120819T121907.txt
> Then I would presume that this is affecting a lot of modules?

The error is «Can't locate version/vpp.pm», that suggests something is
wrong with your version.pm installation. 5.16 ships with a recent
version of version, so it shouldn't need the pure perl version in the
first place. Does «perl -Mversion -E 'say version->new(1)'» work?

This really sounds like something is wrong with your local setup, but
it could be a number of things.


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