On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 3:18 PM, Leon Timmermans <faw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 12:04 PM, Gabor Szabo <ga...@szabgab.com> wrote:
>> After getting a few comments I found out that beside the link to the
>> repository one could also include the type of
>> the repository (git/svn/etc...), but as far as I can see only
>> META.json holds that information.
>> At least in the distributions I checked only META.json had this.
>> All these distributions were generated using Dist::Zilla.
>> So I wonder how can ask Module::Build to generate META.json as well,
>> and how can I tell it
>> to include the other fields of the repository as well?
> Since version 0.3800 Module::Build generates valid META.json, but it's
> actually upconverted meta 1.4, so it won't contain any of the new
> fields. This is a known bug. I would welcome someone adding proper
> meta 2.0 support, but it's fairly low on my own todo list to be
> honest. MakeMaker has the same issue.
> Leon


I checked on a distribution that is using MB and it created the
META.json for me too. ++!

Interestingly Sam Graham posted a link to his article where he shows
how he did this
2 years ago:

I tried the same using MB 0.4003 but got the following error:

Error is: Invalid metadata structure. Errors: 'HASH(0xfcde50)' for
'repository' does not have a URL scheme (resources -> repository)
[Validation: 1.4]

Was the feature removed?


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