On Fri, 2 May 2008 14:17:54 -0400
"Subra A Narayanan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Now if the MD5 checksum passes and now I want to read the data again,
> how would i do it? I cannot use the above function again, right?
> 'ap_should_client_block' has already told the client once to send the
> entire data once.

You need to save the data somewhere.  With big uploads like that,
it would be ridiculous for either apache or your app to try and
buffer them in memory.

> Reading the data once, computing the MD5, caching it and then reusing
> the cached data if the checksum passes is one option, but I dont want
> to do that for a variety of reasons.

So where do you suppose all that data will be squirreled away
between computing md5 and using it the second time?

Nick Kew

Application Development with Apache - the Apache Modules Book

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