Maybe, I'm missing something.  I was talking about needing to change apache,
but I decided to try something else.


I've got this:


<FilesMatch ".*[^(login.php|logout.php)]">

AuthType Digest

AuthName "account" 

AuthUserFile /home/path/public_html/account/.htpasswd

Require user admin



<Files login.php> 

AuthType Digest

AuthName "account"

AuthUserFile /home/path/public_html/account/.htpasswd

Require user admin



<Files logout.php> 

AuthType Digest 

AuthName "account" 

AuthUserFile /home/path/public_html/account/.htpasswd

Require user logout




I access login.php and have access to the entire directory which via ajax.


Then I access logout.php and have access to logout.php, but nothing else.


Next, time I try to access login.php using Safari and ajax with the right
creditials, I get a popup with login user name filled out.


Am I mistaken in thinking I should not be logged in as admin?  Or that there
is someway to force this to happen?




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