
mod_vhost has a feature to serve the files based on the  Host header using 
"VirtualDocumentRoot /usr/local/apache/vhosts/%0" setting.

Similarly, i am wondering what is the process that i should follow to make the 
mod_fcgid spawn the
processes and manage them based on the Host header.

I have made the following changes in the modules/fcgid/fcgid_pm_unix.c file

407     command->deviceid = deviceid;
408     command->inode = inode;
409     command->share_grp_id = share_grp_id;
410     //command->virtualhost = r->server->server_hostname;
411     command->virtualhost = r->hostname;
413     ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r,
414                     "%s ", command->virtualhost);

FcgidWrapper /usr/bin/php-wrapper .php virtual
FcgidMaxProcessesPerClass 10

But, fcgid process manager is crashing after that. (I am not using any 
virtualhost setting in the apache config).

Looks i need to understand how the classes are managed. Any pointers ?

... Frobo.

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