On 19/09/2011 16:48, Nick Kew wrote:
On Thu, 15 Sep 2011 11:52:38 +0100
Martin Townsend<martin.towns...@power-oasis.com>  wrote:

     Should this new filter also
inherit the output filters context?  Am I doing something wrong with my
use of mod_include?  I've tried moving my filter so it's after
mod_include but still the same problem.
This looks reminiscent of

a bug that lurked a long time before being fixed!

I suggest you read that - particularly comment 30 and later,
and see if it sheds any light on your problem.


I have a solution to my problem but it seems like a bit of a hack. After looking through the source code I found that the only structure that I could use was the subprocess_env table in the request as this is copied between requests and sub requests.

AP_DECLARE(void) ap_set_sub_req_protocol(request_rec *rnew,
                                         const request_rec *r)
    rnew->subprocess_env  = apr_table_copy(rnew->pool, r->subprocess_env);
    rnew->headers_out     = apr_table_make(rnew->pool, 5);
    rnew->err_headers_out = apr_table_make(rnew->pool, 5);
    rnew->notes           = apr_table_make(rnew->pool, 5);


Maybe a better solution would be to use my modules configuration and then ensure the hash tables are removed using a cleanup handler that is fired at the end of the request.

Best Regards,

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