On Sun, Jun 17, 2012 at 9:46 PM,  <oh...@cox.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am starting to look into implementing an Apache module that can use 
> information from an incoming request, including several headers and the 
> subject string from a client certificate to do authentication.
> I've been looking at the source for mod_auth_certificate, from 
> https://modules.apache.org/, as a starting point.
> However, it looks like the way that mod_auth_certificate works is that it 
> requires that there's an SSLUserName directive to put the client certificate 
> DN into the Apache REMOTE_USER attribute, whereas I need the entire PEM for 
> the client cert to do authentication that I'm trying to do.
> So I was wondering if it's possible for a module to access the 
> SSL_CLIENT_S_DN and SSL_CLIENT_CERT environment variables, and if so, how?

They should be set in r->subprocess_env provided `SSLOptions
+StdEnvVars +ExportCertData` is set in the server or per-directory

> Also, as mentioned my module would need to access several HTTP headers that 
> are in the incoming requests.  How can it do that?

Look them up with `apr_table_get(r->headers_in, "X-Header-Name")`.

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