
I'm developing (updating) mod_neko <http://nekovm.org/doc/mod_neko>, a
module that let users to use the Neko VM <http://nekovm.org/> to serve web
The module already works on Windows and Linux, but I have a problem on Mac.
In fact, the module works on the apache httpd 2.4 installed with
homebrew-apache <https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-apache>, but not the
OSX preinstalled httpd (which is also 2.4).
When activating mod_neko on the OSX preinstalled httpd, I can see the log
message from the ap_hook_post_config function, but it will seg fault and
never print the log in ap_hook_child_init. The ap_hook_post_config function
seem to successfully return, since my log statement is merely above its
return statement.
The outputs of apachectl -V/-l/-M of the homebrew httpd and the OSX httpd
can be found at https://gist.github.com/andyli/2e8da482dea18306ff6f
Do you have any idea why this happens? Can this be caused by the OSX httpd
being compiled with an old apr library? Is there a way to know the exact
point of when the process seg fault (a stack trace or something)?

Best regards,

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