
Here is an extract of my httpd configuration

 <Proxy balancer://trackingwsbalancer>
                BalancerMember  wss://pp-appli1.plf-sso.pp.minint.fr:8443 
route=1 hcmethod=GET hcexpr=ok2 hcuri=/trackingproxy_advanced/actuator
                BalancerMember  wss://pp-appli2.plf-sso.pp.minint.fr:8443 
route=2 hcmethod=GET hcexpr=ok2 hcuri=/trackingproxy_advanced/actuator
                ProxySet stickysession=ROUTEID
                ProxySet lbmethod=bybusyness

ProxyPass /tracking               
ProxyPassReverse /tracking 

I've confgured a WebSocket balancer.
It seems that  mod_proxy_hcheck don't use a http protocol to check the validity 
of the node but wss.
It just call 
But the documetation says that its a http GET request.
It should be great to add a be able to precise the protocole we want to use to 
check or be able to add absolute uri.

Best regards

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