On 17/05/2020 19.37, CpServiceSPb . wrote:
May you provide an example what is structure to store to ?
I tried to make some structure.
But it would become empty when running came to ap_hook_handler.
I suppose that I non correctly tried to get data at handler step saved
value at authn step from such structure.


For example:

your_check_authn_callback(request_rec *r) {
   /* read POST body as you explained */
   MyStruct *obj = apr_pcalloc(r->pool, sizeof(MyStruct));
   /* store what you extracted from the POST body in this obj */
   obj->field1 = ...;
   obj->field2 = ...;
   /* store your obj in the request configuration */
   ap_set_module_config(r->request_config, &your_module, obj);

your_handler_callback(request_rec *r) {
   /* retrieve the object initialized and stored in the auth_callback */
MyStruct *obj = (MyStruct *)ap_get_module_config(r->request_config, &your_module);
   /* use obj->field1, obj->field2, etc according to your needs */

You don't have to parse everything in authn_callback, you could just read the body, and store it unparsed:

your_check_authn_callback(request_rec *r) {
   /* read POST body as you explained */
   char *body = ...;
   ap_set_module_config(r->request_config, &your_module, body);
   /* extract user/pass/etc from body */

your_handler_callback(request_rec *r) {
   /* retrieve the body from where you stored it: */
char *body = (char *)ap_get_module_config(r->request_config, &your_module);
   /* extract the other data from your body */

So the body (with ap_get_brigade) is read only once, namely in the first callback, the check_authn callback. The second callback just retrieves either the raw body from where you stored it or a structure that contains data that were extracted from the body in the first callback.


вс, 17 мая 2020 г. в 10:32, Sorin Manolache <sor...@gmail.com>:

On 15/05/2020 23.39, CpServiceSPb . wrote:
I write hook module for Apache2 consisted of hooks of 2 procedures:
ap_hook_check_authn/ap_hook_check_user_id and ap_hook_handler.
This module reads content of post method request, mainly body, and
necessary information for functioning of the each of mentioned above
For 1st one - it is user/password passed from clients at post request
for 2nd one - it is some data.
That is reading post request body content from brigades/buckets and
it into char buffer is called twice - from ap_hook_check_authn and and
But after callig reading post request body content reading function for
first time from ap_hook_check_authn, other calling of the function (from
ap_hook_handler) returns an empty body buffer.
Even other calling of post request body content reading function from
ap_hook_check returns already an emptybody biffer.

I read post body to a buffer at the following way:
1. apr_brigade_create
2. do-while cycle until eos_bucket is got set to 1
3. within the point 2 cycle ap_get_brigade
4. in for (bucket = APR_BRIGADE_FIRST(bb); bucket !=
if bucket EOS then eos_bucket set to 1
else (transien bucket) apr_bucket_read is called and then all chunks are
reads to buffer
5. body buffer and its len is got finally

But in such pot body reading all buckest are deleted from brigade (not by
me) .


I think you are doing everything fine.

You just cannot read the post body several times, because reading it is
consuming it.

So you just have to read it only once (in ap_hook_check_authn) and store
it yourself in a structure that belongs to your module. Then you can
reuse that structure in ap_hook_handler.


So what is the best way to read post body content to a buffer as many
as necessary as at ap_hook_check_authn step as at ap_hook_handler step
without loosing the content ?
Or may be it's more efficiency to read post body content once at
ap_hook_check_authn and then pass it to ap_hook_handler ?
But I don' t understand now how.

P. S.:
Way of calling of

r->kept_body = apr_brigade_create(r->pool, r->connection->bucket_alloc);
apr_bucket *bucketnew = apr_bucket_transient_create(bodycontent,
APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(r->kept_body, bucketnew);

after 1st calling of post request body content reading function worked
some versions ago (may be even for 2.2 only) .
But it doesn' t work now.

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