On 23.09.2010 12:10, Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos wrote:
>>> I have libapr 1.3.8 and this could be the issue. Maybe something was
>>> introduced in libapr that causes that issue in apr_dbm. It seems I
>>> should allow flexibility on using the various DBs.
>> The apr_dbm is in apr-util.  My libaprutil1 is at 1.3.9, so not so far
>> away from yours.

I've checked apr and apr-util.  The error code APR_EINVAL is returned in 
apr_sdbm_store() if (db == NULL  ||  bad(key)  ||  "db is readonly"  || 
  "len(key+val) is too long")

"too long" is in this case 1008 (for the sake of perl apr_sdbm_t 
compatibility).  In my case len(key+val) is 1116...

The other db engines don't have such an obvious limitation, perhaps 
hidden somewhere deeper in code.

One solution for mod_gnutls could be to provide it's own version of 
apr-util which uses a higher PAIRMAX in sdbm_private.h...


PS: are my certificates that long or is this 'standard'?
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