Hi Nicholas,

Yes, I've been swamped with other stuff, so I would welcome you as the co-maintainer!

How do I process this officially?

On 7/13/18 7:55 AM, Nicolas R. wrote:
Hi, I'm contacting you as you seem to be the current maintainers of Net::Whois::IANA.

I've noticed that the last release of Net::Whois::IANA was on 2013. A few ticket exist and some tests are currently failing in the testsuite.

I guess you do not have time to focus on it anymore.
I can see some tickets opened for more than 5 years without any answer:

I was wondering if you would let me be co-maintainer on this module?

I've got this case pending: https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=125835
And would be able to submit a few extra patches.

If you want to review them and keep the exclusive maintenance of the module, I'm also fine with it.
If you are willing to accept some help on it, will be glad to help.

Thanks for letting me know


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