2008/9/4 Joe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Brett Hoerner wrote:
>> On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 6:59 PM, Joe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I've just converted a PHP (Apache 2.2 mod_php5) application first to
>>> Python CGI and then to mod_wsgi, so I decided to benchmark some 40-odd
>>> representative pages because I wasn't very impressed by the observed
>>> performance.
>> Can you please post the relevant parts of your Apache configuration,
>> especially under mod_wsgi?  It really, really can affect any sort of
>> benchmarks if you're "doin' it wrong".
> Sorry, I meant to do that, but I hit Send before I remembered.
> There's really not much to it:
> LoadModule wsgi_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_wsgi.so
> (This is mod_wsgi 2.1-2 from Debian)
>    # CGI testing
>    Alias /static/ "/var/www/pycgi/static/"
>    ScriptAlias /fccgi/ "/var/www/pycgi/"
>    AddHandler cgi-script .py
>    # mod_wsgi testing
>    WSGIScriptAlias /fcwsgi /var/www/pywsgi/fcdir.wsgi

Which indicates one script for all URLs. I am presuming you had one
script for each URL with PHP rather than doing dispatching within PHP.

As I said before, Apache/mod_wsgi can still do the dispatching for
you, like with PHP, and it is usually going to be quicker than you
doing it yourself.

> There was a WSGIReloadMechanism Module while I was converting but I
> removed it for the tests.

The default for WSGIReloadMechanism in embedded mode is 'Module' so
setting it explicitly wouldn't have made a difference and reloading is
still on. Having it on shouldn't affect the performance to any
noticeable degree anyway.

Now, what does you actual WSGI application script contain. If worried
that code doing work cant be shown, at least indicate how you are
doing main dispatching from application entry point and stuff out the
handler function code. Maybe leave one representative handler function
in there though.


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