Please let me know what the Pylons/Paste people have to say about it.
I raised this problem before on Python WEB-SIG, where Ian Bicking and
others listen and they never commented. That issue I referenced has a
reference to the Python WEB-SIG discussion.

Anyway, since this has now come up a second time, I better make a
concrete change in mod_wsgi to flag it as an error, or somehow cope
with it. Problem is I felt that no consensus came out of discussion on
Python WEB-SIG so don't know what WSGI folks believe should be done.


2008/9/17 Jorge Vargas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> FIrst of all thank you very much for all your help. See response below.
> On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 11:02 PM, Graham Dumpleton
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> 2008/9/17 Graham Dumpleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>> 2008/9/17 Graham Dumpleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>>> Note that mod_wsgi doesn't generate a 'Connection' header, but Apache
>>>>> underneath it can for case where error response is being generated. I
>>>>> wouldn't expect therefore to see a 'Connection' header in debug output
>>>>> from that script as I don't think a WSGI application is supposed to be
>>>>> generating them, but check anyway.
>>> And below is the hideous bit of Apache code that determines whether it
>>> forces a close. I always cringe when I look at this particular bit of
>>> code.
>>> Worth noting is that it will look from 'Connection: close' from an
>>> application so actually reasonable that WSGI application could return
>>> it.
>>> As for capturing output from WSGI application with that debug code I
>>> pointed out, you may want to change the pprint calls so they use
>>> repr() instead. This way it will show if any garbage characters from
>>> Unicode or something getting passed through in response headers when
>>> they shouldn't.
>> Also perhaps look out for:
>> In embedded mode of mod_wsgi if a response header value has embedded
>> new lines in it, that isn't being fixed up and so can pass through
>> back to client. This could cause a strict checking proxy to fail.
> I think this one nailed it, together with the debugging using repr.
> here is the extract from the logs.
> [Wed Sep 17 01:53:26 2008] [error] [client] ('RESPONSE',,
> referer:
> [Wed Sep 17 01:53:26 2008] [error] [client]  '302 Found',,
> referer:
> [Wed Sep 17 01:53:26 2008] [error] [client]
> "[('content-type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'), ('Pragma',
> 'no-cache'), ('Cache-Control', 'no-cache'), ('location',
> ''), ('Content-Length', '237'),
> ('Set-Cookie', 
> 'tw_auth=RPhlpOBTs4Z9jGkro9iFjY0VKW4yMDA4MDkxODA2NTNSRU1PVEVfVVNFUj1tYWU~\\\\n;
> Path=/;')]"), referer:
> see how the Set-Cookie header is adding "\\\\n" that is a newline, so
> it seems paste.auth is responsible.
> bottom line it seems like paste.auth.cookie.AuthCookieHandler or the
> middleware on top of it. is causing a bad header, and it has nothing
> to do with this "connection". I'll try to reproduce the issue without
> pylons in the middle and see if I can track it down on paste.
> Again thank you.
>> In other words, may be nothing to do with 'Connection: close' but
>> simply part of a value being interpreted as being a header name but
>> failing as not a valid format for a header line.
>> Graham
>> >
> >

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