2008/10/1 Graham Dumpleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> 2008/10/1 Toshio Kuratomi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> On Sep 30, 4:32 am, "Clodoaldo Pinto Neto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>>> I tested that url with Firefox and Opera in Linux utf-8 and what
>>> happens is that Firefox does what Brian says. But testing Firefox in
>>> Windows XP it substitutes € for %80 and IE6 changes € to %e2%82%ac.
>> You have to look at what's going on on the server, I'm afraid because
>> the various clients you use are going to perform various
>> transformations that may or may not have anything to do with what's
>> being sent between the wsgi server and the wsgi app.
> Can some clearly just tell me what you want me to test.
> For Python 3.0, if I use a URL:
>  /wsgi/scripts/echo3000.py/%E2%82%AC.html
> in Safari, where:
>  /wsgi/scripts/echo3000.py
> just echos back WSGI environment, the following happen.
> 1. Once submit request Safari changes that symbol in URL bar to a Euro symbol.
> 2. In Apache access logs I get:
> ::1 - - [01/Oct/2008:16:34:57 +1000] "GET
> /wsgi/scripts/echo3000.py/%E2%82%AC.html HTTP/1.1" 200 1858
> 3. In response to browser, relevant values from WSGI environment are:
> PATH_INFO: '/â\x82¬.html'
> PATH_TRANSLATED: '/usr/local/apache-2.2.4/htdocs/â\x82¬.html'
> REQUEST_URI: '/wsgi/scripts/echo3000.py/%E2%82%AC.html'
> SCRIPT_FILENAME: '/usr/local/wsgi/scripts/echo3000.py'
> SCRIPT_NAME: '/wsgi/scripts/echo3000.py'
> Remember that this is what Apache passes and all mod_wsgi is doing is
> converting them to Unicode string as latin-1.
> For Python 2.3 get:
> 1. Safari does same obviously.
> 2. In Apache access logs, also same:
> ::1 - - [01/Oct/2008:16:41:29 +1000] "GET
> /wsgi/scripts/echo.py/%E2%82%AC.html HTTP/1.1" 200 7118
> 3. In echoed response get:
> PATH_INFO: '/\xe2\x82\xac.html'
> PATH_TRANSLATED: '/usr/local/apache-2.2.4/htdocs/\xe2\x82\xac.html'
> REQUEST_URI: '/wsgi/scripts/echo.py/%E2%82%AC.html'
> SCRIPT_FILENAME: '/usr/local/wsgi/scripts/echo.py'
> SCRIPT_NAME: '/wsgi/scripts/echo.py'
> The difference here obviously being that in Python 2.3 they aren't
> Unicode strings byte Python 2.X byte strings (ie. conventional
> string).
> I'll try and update my script to put a link onto itself so can check
> what referrer says on click though.

Better still, someone construct a small WSGI application etc which
does what you want to test various cases and I'll run it under Python
2.3 and 3.0. If script is for Python 2.X, I can convert it to Python
3.0 if need be.


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