2008/10/3 Garito <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi!
> Is there any way to do that mod_wsgi use apache mime types?
> If you go to /etc/mime.types and add some mime types mod_wsgi works ok
> with them but if you add them as apache configuration via AddType it
> doesn't work
> One of my main goals (as you could deduce) is to put the mod_wsgi
> configuration as close to .htaccess as I can
> Why? Easy:
> because if we could put all our configuration in .htaccess we could
> use cheap hosting with the only need was to have mod_wsgi active with
> full control of it (there are not so much hostings that give you the
> change to change /etc/mime.types
> Is there a good approach? Do you like this way?

Sorry, I don't understand the problem. Can you provide actual examples
of what you want to be able to do in Apache configuration?

Also explain why you have to use mime types in the first place, why
can't it be based on resource extension? Ie.,

  AddHandler wsgi_script .wsgi

Thus if resource match to .wsgi, then that resource file is
interpreted by mod_wsgi.


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