2008/12/18 Stefan Wallner <montodes...@googlemail.com>:
> On Dec 16, 1:36 am, "Robert Coup" <robert.c...@koordinates.com> wrote:
>> If Django is catching the error (ie. if DEBUG=True then you get a fancy
>> formatted error page), then its a Django problem that its not being emailed
>> to you. mod-wsgi doesn't get involved in that process at all. The only  time
>> you'd see an error/traceback in the apache logs should be if there's a
>> syntax error and the Django app can't load/run at all, or if the exception
>> occurs really high up in the Django WSGI handler (unlikely).
> Email being Django's responsibility I agree, but the IndexError
> generated by
> a = [1,2,3]
> b = a[4]
> should give me a traceback in the log file and not even that is
> showing...
>> So maybe its a mail setting? I suspect (but haven't checked) that Django
>> fails silently if it has problems trying to send error emails. Can your web
>> server user send mail (console via mailx or in python as described earlier
>> in the thread) -- "sudo su - www-data" (in Debian/Ubuntu) to become such a
>> user.
> As stated in my original post some other part of my code does send
> email succesfully, so I do not think it's a problem with permissions
> etc.

Lets make sure that mod_wsgi logging is working at all.

If you add before that code:

  import sys
  print >> sys.stderr, "ABOUT TO ERROR"

Does that appear in Apache error log?


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