2009/3/25 Duncan <caphec...@gmail.com>:
> I've been reading up on mod_wsgi as a replacement for mod_python; it
> looks like it'll be able to suit my user's needs, but I want to make
> sure *before* I do the rollout. From what I've read it looks like
> mod_wsgi works well with Apache virtual hosts and I read through
> http://groups.google.com/group/modwsgi/browse_thread/thread/5f25192fe72e0840/4a0084148f5a69b0
> which has some good information on deploying.
> I'll be deploying mod_wsgi 2.3 with Apache 2 and Python 2.5 on Gentoo.
> Are there any issues that I might run into with 300+ virtual hosts,

Are you currently using mod_python with 300+ virtual hosts with a
Python web application hosted in each site?

> or
> anything I might need to be aware of beyond what's in the mod_userdir
> thread I linked?

There have been various other discussions which may be relevant and a
better source of information. Depends a bit on what some of the goals

> It looks like this will be a good solution for my users and I just
> want to make sure the transition is as smooth as possible.

A few questions.

How much memory are the Python applications running under each virtual
host likely to take? This will be a factor if there are 300 of them.

Are those applications likely to be used constantly and thus always
need to be resident, or are they likely to be infrequently used and
thus don't strictly need to always be running? This plays into the
memory question as far as solutions to trying to reduce memory usage.

Do the applications running under each virtual host need to run with
the permissions of a specific user who is the owner of that account?

Answer that to clarify things and will see if can find better past
threads where this has been discussed.


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