2009/4/13 gert <gert.cuyk...@gmail.com>:
> embedded mode
> WSGIProcessGroup %{GLOBAL} python-path=/usr/httpd/www/appwsgi/www/lib
> WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
> daemon mode
> WSGIDaemonProcess www.site1.net  user=www group=www processes=1
> threads=25 display-name=(wsgi:site1)
> WSGIProcessGroup www.site1.net python-path=/usr/httpd/www/appwsgi/www/
> lib
> WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
> This would get rit of the WSGIPythonPath confusion once and for all :-)

That cannot work. The WSGIProcessGroup directive can be used multiple
times in different contexts for the same target group. The
'python-path' value can only be set once as it applies to the whole
process and is set once only at time interpreter is initialised.


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