On 6 Juli, 00:56, Graham Dumpleton <graham.dumple...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I would though question why you are using embedded mode in the first
> place and not using daemon mode. Daemon mode would be the preferred
> way to use mod_wsgi unless you have some good reasons for using
> embedded mode. If you don't know why you are using embedded mode, then
> there is possibly no justification for you doing so and you only
> happen to be because that is historically the default.

I made the choice after lots of reading. (The mod_wsgi documentation
and your blog posts are excellent, thanks a lot!). I use a hand-
configured very stripped apache configuration, with the only loaded
module being mod_wsgi. I have setup the MPM settings properly etc.

It seems slightly more inefficient to have apache workers that don't
do anything, and separate WSGI-daemon processes instead of running the
Python apps in Apache directly. I see daemon process as a good fit if
you have a couple of different users/sites that uses the same Apache.
I will however run lots of completely different Apache instances
(under different users), so the number one priority is to make them as
slim as possible.

> BTW, in respect of graceful restart, you do need to be a bit careful
> when using embedded mode for other reasons. This is because Apache
> will start up new processes while allowing time for existing processes
> to shutdown. If your application uses a lot of memory, this
> potentially means you can as much as double the amount of memory in
> use during the graceful restart. If you were close to memory limits
> and this caused the box to start swapping, performance will drop and
> in worst case Apache could think it doesn't have enough processes to
> serve incoming requests and created more processes making it even
> worse. This is a mini version of the problem described for prefork
> mode in 
> 'http://blog.dscpl.com.au/2009/03/load-spikes-and-excessive-memory-usa...,
> but one which can technically also affect worker MPM, although
> obviously not to the same scale as if prefork mode were used. If you
> were close to memory limits of your box though, the affect could still
> be significant.
> In contrast, in daemon mode there isn't a graceful restart mode in as
> much as existing processes must exit before new ones start up. This
> was done deliberately so there wasn't a risk of spikes in memory
> usage.

The mod_wsgi-daemon-mode-way does indeed sound like a better reloading
plan than the graceful one.

The double-memory issue is annoying, however it won't be a real
problem since there will always be enough free memory to endure the
graceful restarts. I would rather use the daemon-process-way of
restarting apps though.

Would you still recommend me to use daemon mode instead of embedded

(maybe this deserve its own thread) Do the process management differ
between mod_wsgi-daemon and MPM-worker in other similar ways? Would
one be to prefer to the other in my case? I have a lot of small sites,
that does get very few requests, and some sites that gets lots of
traffic. mod_wsgi-daemon has inactivity-timeout to manage the smaller
ones, does MPM-worker do anything similar?


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