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First though go watch:

It talks about reasons for permissions error.

In short, the Apache service runs as a special user. It would appear
that that user doesn't have permissions to access your WSGI script
file or the directory it is in.


On 28 April 2011 21:45, Hanson Johnson <> wrote:
> Attached is my apache configuration file as edited.
> Please help me out, I am a complete beginner in this course, sorry for
> taking your time.
> I followed the instructions here
> when I got here
>  WSGIScriptAlias /myapp /usr/local/www/wsgi-scripts/myapp.wsgi
> I used the path to my applications folder:
> WSGIScriptAlias /wsgi “C:/myapp/" (Please is this line
> right?)
> <Directory "C:/myapp"> Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory>
> I am using windows 7 and as at now, my apache is still running. But when I
> visit http://localhost/wsgi it will tell me Forbidden You don't have
> permission to access /wsgi on this server.
> Please I don't know what to do again because I need to succeed here before
> moving on to Django.
> I will be grateful.

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