I do not know my answer is right.
I hope that these information useful for you:

and i developed a webpage ( SimplePypgadmin ) by modwgi script connect 
Postgresql follow this koo.fi blog : 


I used  beaker ( for session cookie) + webob ( for response and request) 
and of couse modwsgi + psycopg2 for connect with Postgresql on apache.
I did not use framework, it's difficult for me.
i want to build simple modwsgi script like php script on apache. Be cause 
it is easy for me.

Vào 09:09:31 UTC+7 Thứ Bảy, ngày 16 tháng 1 năm 2016, Ashish Gupta đã viết:
> Hi, I have deployed Django Project on Apache using mod_wsgi. In django we 
> have wsgi.py file for wsgi script. How to write a wsgi script to run a 
> python script ?
> I have asked my question here on Stack Overflow 
> <http://stackoverflow.com/q/33314787/2350219>. 
> Can anyone please share the examples or sample wsgi file. 

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