I know of no issue where was been getting left out.

One thing to be careful of is if you run this and the directory the URL alias 
refers to doesn't exist, it will assume that you are actually trying to alias 
to a file.

For example:

    mod_wsgi-express start-server --url-alias /media /tmp/xxx


Alias '/media' '/tmp/xxx'

<Directory '/tmp'>
<Files 'xxx'>
<IfVersion < 2.4>
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
<IfVersion >= 2.4>
    Require all granted

If you subsequently create the directory, it will not behave as you expect and 
any files in the directory probably will not be found due to Files directive 
not matching since it actually a directory.

If the directory did exist to begin with, you would get:

Alias '/media' '/tmp/xxx'

<Directory '/tmp/xxx'>
    AllowOverride None
<IfVersion < 2.4>
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
<IfVersion >= 2.4>
    Require all granted

I can't remember if the behaviour of this may have changed from a very long 
time ago, with it once upon a time assuming it was a directory unless the 
target existed and was a file. I know I have been caught by this as well and 
contemplated changing it to assume a directory if target doesn't exist. I need 
to go back and look at how I might have done this in the past.

I can only suggest you run the same setup command against an empty server root 
directory, where the media directory has been pre-created and see what it 
creates in the config in that case.

Also, what is the command that gets recorded in the generated 'apachectl' file. 
There is a possibility I have stuffed up something in the Django management 
command wrapper and it is overriding the url alias list instead of adding to it.


> On 23 Aug 2017, at 5:14 pm, Tanuka Dutta <tanuka.du...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Graham,
> Reviving an old thread...I think that the —url-alias option in runmodwsgi 
> isn't always working as expected (or I'm doing something wrong). 
> This is with Apache 2.4, Django 1.8.8 and mod_wsgi 4.4.23 running on a CentOS 
> 6.7 server. 
> Recently, I was able to upload media files but unable to view them through 
> the browser.
> Troubleshooting made me realize that some time back, when I had to update my 
> ssl certificates, I had executed runmodwsgi but forgot to the include the 
> option
> —url-alias /media /home/syt_admin/projects/vishwaas/www-https/media
> So naturally, the httpd.conf file did not contain the directive for /media
> I tried to fix it by regenerating the httpd.conf file as follows:
> python manage.py runmodwsgi --setup-only  --https-port=443 --port=80 
> --server-name=www.xyz.in <http://www.xyz.in/> --user=apache --group=apache 
> --server-root=/home/syt_admin/projects/vishwaas/www-https 
> --ssl-certificate-file=/home/syt_admin/projects/vishwaas/www-https/startssl-certs/2_www.xyz.in.crt
> --ssl-certificate-key-file=/home/syt_admin/projects/vishwaas/www-https/startssl-certs/server.key
> --ssl-certificate-chain-file=/home/syt_admin/projects/vishwaas/www-https/startssl-certs/1_root_bundle.crt
>  —url-alias /media /home/syt_admin/projects/vishwaas/www-https/media
> However, the generated httpd.conf file still does not contain the /media 
> directive. 
> Finally I had to add these lines by hand
> Alias '/media' '/home/syt_admin/projects/vishwaas/www-https/media'
> <Directory '/home/syt_admin/projects/vishwaas/www-https/media'>
>     Order allow,deny
>     Allow from all
> </Directory>
> This works, and I can view the files by clicking the link on the browser, but 
> I'm still puzzled by the behaviour.
> The directory was existing when I ran the command and it contained files 
> inside it.
> Any thoughts?
> Regards,
> Tanuka
> On Sat, May 28, 2016 at 8:30 PM, Tanuka Dutta <tanuka.du...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:tanuka.du...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Thanks, that explains exactly what happened. I wanted user Apache to create 
> the media directory so I had not manually created it the first time. The file 
> upload operation created the media directory, but by then my http d.conf had 
> already been generated (incorrectly).
> When I re- ran runmodwsgi the second time, of course the directory was 
> present, so httpd.conf was correctly generated.
> Good to understand what happens under the hood!
> - Tanuka
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 28-May-2016, at 7:24 PM, Graham Dumpleton <graham.dumple...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:graham.dumple...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> On 28 May 2016, at 4:50 AM, Tanuka Dutta <tanuka.du...@gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:tanuka.du...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> Yes, this works. I hadn't spotted that difference. Thank you!
>>> I also re-ran runmodwsgi and the httpd.conf now contains the correct 
>>> directives without the <Files>.
>>> I don't know what I might have done wrong earlier…
>> Whoops, I missed that you were using mod_wsgi-express as mentioned in 
>> subject. Thus this is sort of my fault. I myself have been caught by this 
>> indirectly just last week as well and didn’t tweak was same issue. I never 
>> looked at the generated configuration in my case to realise Files was used 
>> how it was as I just fixed the underlying problem.
>> Anyway, the problem was caused by the fact that the file system directory 
>> you were referencing using —url-alias didn’t exist at the time 
>> mod_wsgi-express was run to generate the setup.
>> When —url-alias is used I need to do a check for trailing slash on the path 
>> to try and fix up a potential mistake by a user where usage of slashes on 
>> URL and target directory weren’t balanced. If I don’t then Apache doesn’t 
>> process things properly. Part of that check looks at the target path and if 
>> it is a directory does things one way and if not, does it another way.
>> Because the check is to see whether it is a directory, it causes a problem 
>> if the directory doesn’t exist at that point. I will have to go back and 
>> look at the code again and perhaps change the logic around so that rather 
>> than fallback to assuming the target path is a file, which is less likely 
>> case, assume it will be a directory unless the target path exists and is a 
>> file. That way it will work if the directory doesn’t exist yet. Does mean it 
>> will not then work properly in case where target path is a file but doesn’t 
>> at that point, but that is less likely scenario and I have to fallback one 
>> way or the other and can’t avoid one case loosing out where stuff doesn’t 
>> exist yet.
>>> How is this working with Apache 2.4, shouldn't the syntax now be "Require 
>>> all granted”?
>> Apache 2.4 has a mod_access_compat module which provides older directives in 
>> Apache 2.4. I rely on that so that I don’t have to have switch log on all 
>> the places where these directives are used.
>> Graham
>>> Regards,
>>> Tanuka
>>> On Fri, May 27, 2016 at 9:24 PM, Graham Dumpleton 
>>> <graham.dumple...@gmail.com <mailto:graham.dumple...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>> On 27 May 2016, at 3:57 AM, Tanuka Dutta <tanuka.du...@gmail.com 
>>>> <mailto:tanuka.du...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>> Thanks, Graham.
>>>> I'm encountering a different problem with Apache 2.4 and mod_wsgi 4.4.22. 
>>>> I am able to upload media files but unable to view them through the 
>>>> browser.
>>>> This is running on a RHEL 7.2 server with Django 1.8.8.
>>>> I used this command to generate the httpd.conf:
>>>> $ python manage.py runmodwsgi --setup-only  --port=80 --user=apache 
>>>> --group=apache --server-root=/home/syt_admin/projects/vishwaas/www 
>>>> --url-alias /media /home/syt_admin/projects/vishwaas/www/media
>>>> If I search for the string 'media' in the generated httpd.conf, I see 
>>>> these lines:
>>>> Alias '/media' '/home/syt_admin/projects/vishwaas/www/media'
>>>> <Directory '/home/syt_admin/projects/vishwaas/www'>
>>>> <Files 'media'>
>>>>     Order allow,deny
>>>>     Allow from all
>>>> </Files>
>>>> </Directory>
>>> Instead of this try:
>>> <Directory '/home/syt_admin/projects/vishwaas/www/media'>
>>>     Order allow,deny
>>>     Allow from all
>>> </Directory>
>>> Am not sure that Files can be used on a directory, only files.
>>> Graham
>>>> My Django settings file has the corresponding definitions:
>>>> MEDIA_ROOT = '/home/syt_admin/projects/vishwaas/www/media/'
>>>> MEDIA_URL = '/media/'
>>>> The files get uploaded to the correct location, by user 'apache'. But when 
>>>> I click on the link to the file in the browser, I get the error message: 
>>>> You don't have permission to access /media/<filename> on this server.
>>>> Also, the Apache error_log contains this error:
>>>> [Fri May 27 06:45:05.181364 2016] [access_compat:error] [pid 24953:tid 
>>>> 140221960361728] [client <ip address>:<port>] AH01797: client denied by 
>>>> server configuration: 
>>>> /home/syt_admin/projects/vishwaas/www/media/<filename>, referer: 
>>>> http://<ip address>/admin/schools/school/1/
>>>> I know that the Alias directives for Apache 2.4 are supposed to be 
>>>> different ie "Require all granted" but I don't see that in the generated 
>>>> httpd.conf file. 
>>>> Am I missing some option when invoking runmodwsgi??
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Tanuka
>>>> On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 9:48 PM, Graham Dumpleton 
>>>> <graham.dumple...@gmail.com <mailto:graham.dumple...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>> The —ssl-certificate-chain-file option was included in 4.4.23.
>>>> http://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/develop/release-notes/version-4.4.23.html 
>>>> <http://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/develop/release-notes/version-4.4.23.html>
>>>> Graham
>>>>> On 26 May 2016, at 7:33 AM, Tanuka Dutta <tanuka.du...@gmail.com 
>>>>> <mailto:tanuka.du...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>> OK, thanks. I was looking under the 4.4.x series.
>>>>> I assume 4.5.2 incorporates this change?
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Tanuka
>>>>> On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 7:45 PM, Graham Dumpleton 
>>>>> <graham.dumple...@gmail.com <mailto:graham.dumple...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>> The latest in PyPi should be 4.5.2. Make sure you aren't following link 
>>>>> by version, see latest.
>>>>> Graham
>>>>> > On 26 May 2016, at 00:29, Tanuka Dutta <tanuka.du...@gmail.com 
>>>>> > <mailto:tanuka.du...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Hi Graham,
>>>>> >
>>>>> > I see that the latest official release on https://pypi.python.org 
>>>>> > <https://pypi.python.org/> is still
>>>>> > 4.4.22.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Any timeframe set for the next official release that would incorporate 
>>>>> > the
>>>>> > extra option =E2=80=94ssl-certificate-chain-file some/path/file.crt ?
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Meanwhile, I'm continuing with the developer version that you gave me.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Rega

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