> On 25 Aug 2017, at 6:45 pm, Dave Williams <flashyd...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Graham for your prompt response.
> To answer your questions:
> - Yes using mod_wsgi-express.
> - onbuild: I am not wedded to this - I was just following the least line or 
> resistance to port my application. What precisely are you recommending and 
> what do I need to change (I am running docker-compose to orchestrate multiple 
> wsgi containers behind haproxy acting as application selector).
> - The app is part of a jenkins build pipeline. The request normally takes 
> around 60-120 seconds. In worst case it takes 6 hours (I know! - we have 
> 100,000+ lines of XML across around 100 files to parse (submitted with the 
> request) and to write to the database as a single transaction. It is almost 
> impossible to split these up into small transactions and roll back if 
> anything should fail. It would also leave the database in a "live" but 
> inconsistent state until done. This has been running in full production for a 
> couple of years now without issue so although not architecturally nice - it 
> works. The dockerisation was part of providing more concurrency
> - We have 1 process (default) running on each wsgi container.
> - We have 5 threads (default)
> - Normally expect only1 concurrent request that writes to the database (most 
> of the DB is write locked due to the transaction - so pointless trying more)  
> We try to serialise access via jenkins pipelines and reference an unoccupied 
> wsgi container - but expect a small number of concurrent database "read only 
> client" accesses (20 worst case estimate).
> Currently (bypassing the haproxy) and talking direct to a mod_wsgi container 
> we are getting gateway timeouts.
> - I found .whiskey/server_args last night and added --include-file reference 
> so my /tmp/mod_wsgi-localhost:80:0/http.conf now contains Include 
> '/app/extra.conf' so I can add apache2 directives there.
> I also tried --socket-timeout and --request-timeout as you have subsequently 
> recommended. 
> It appears that Apache Timeout and --socket-timeout are the critical items 
> that need to be increased.
> Whilst that has moved me forward a bit I am subsequently hitting other 
> problems which result in wsgi process being abruptly restarted (with little 
> or nothing reported in the apache logs) when sent test data taken from my 
> production environment.
> I am seeing "Truncated or oversized response headers received from daemon 
> process liocalhost:80" or simply "nothing reported" followed by "[MainThread] 
> Returning wsgi_app" from my wsgi bootstrap as it restarts. Client see as 500 
> internal server error in this case.
> I am not sure if these relate to timeouts or how to debug further. They are 
> very consistent in terms of time after the run starts (20
> seconds). 

Very quickly on one point as is late.

You want to override --request-timeout option. This defaults to 60 seconds. 
Even if you only had one request, with 5 threads the WSGI process will be force 
restarted after 300 seconds. If you don't want a timeout try --request-timeout 
0. That way requests can run as long as they like and is what straight 
Apache/mod_wsgi behaves like.

> Dave
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